City of Owen Sound
2013 Prince of Wales Prize

Located in South-western Ontario, the City of Owen Sound (population 22,000) is the largest urban community in Grey and Bruce Counties. It is situated on the Pottawatomi and Sydenham Rivers and features a large harbour on an inlet of Georgian Bay, which is nestled in a valley of Niagara Escarpment limestone. The area—first inhabited by the Ojibway people—was surveyed in 1815 and established Owen Sound in 1841. For much of its history it served as a major port with access to the upper Great Lakes and major rail lines. Farming and tourism remain integral parts of the local economy.
For a small city, Owen Sound has made an impressive commitment to the conservation and promotion of its heritage, not just to mark its past, but to enhance the quality of life and sense of place of its residents. Points of interest include four conservation areas, a City beach and waterfront trail system, historic Harrison Park, an active Farmer’s Market as well as museums and archives.