Young Canada Works

The application period is closed

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National Trust seeking Peer Reviewers for YCW Applications 

The NTC is recruiting volunteers to participate in our YCW Peer Review Committee. 

Why volunteer? 

  • Participating as a peer reviewer is a great way to support the heritage sector and young people;
  • Exposure to diverse and innovative project proposals from across Canada; 
  • Increased understanding of the YCW programs and the funding process; 
  • You will receive an honorarium. 

Eligibility criteria: 

  • A built heritage professional (employee, volunteer, or retiree of a Canadian heritage organization); 
  • Fluent in one official language (however, the ability to review both official languages is preferred); 
  • Able to commit between 20 and 35 hours to the evaluation of project proposals during the review period (February) 

Interested? Please send a brief email to with the following information: 

  • Your contact information; 
  • Your experience in the built heritage sector; 
  • List of all heritage sector employers or partners (past and present, to avoid any potential conflicts of interest); 
  • Your ability to review in either official language (French, English or both); 
  • Number of hours you are able to commit to the evaluation process. 

YCW creates meaningful youth employment in the built heritage sectors, by helping employers who offer student summer jobs and internship positions in such areas as historic research, heritage site interpretation, Doors Open events, and much more.

YCW is a collaboration between the National Trust for Canada and the Department of Canadian Heritage. YCW also aids employers in creating and funding jobs and connecting them with a pool of eligible students from around the country who are looking for work.

Do you need advice to improve your application? Please call a YCW Officer, at 613-237-1066 (toll free 1-866-964-1066)  or send an email.

The National Trust for Canada is pleased to deliver the Young Canada Works (YCW) program offering summer jobs and internships, a shared initiative with the Department of Canadian Heritage. Two funding streams are offered at the National Trust: YCW in Heritage Organizations (YCW-HO) and YCW at Building Careers in Heritage (YCW-BCH)


*Please note the funding requirements, details, limits, and logistics are subject to change*

Interested in Participating in the YCW program? Here’s what you need to know:

Program YCW in Heritage Organizations (YCW-HO) YCW at Building Careers in Heritage (YCW-BCH)
How many jobs are created? 150 on average 30 on average
Which organizations can apply? The National Trust’s priority is to fund built-heritage, historic sites and related organizations in Canada.

Please consult the full YCW-HO eligibility criteria on the YCW website

The National Trust’s priority is to fund built-heritage, historic sites and related organizations in Canada.

Please consult the full YCW-BCH eligibility criteria on the YCW website.

Who are the youth participants? Summer positions are aimed at full-time students (16-30 years old) who are intending to return to full-time studies in the next semester.

Please review the YCW participant eligibility criteria here.

Internships are aimed at post-secondary graduates (16-30 years old).

Please review the YCW participant eligibility criteria here.

Duration of positions
  • 6 to 16 weeks (for full-time)
  • Part-time (can be beyond 16 weeks as long as it is completed within the fiscal year)
  • The position must be scheduled within the Government of Canada’s fiscal year (April 1 to March 31)
  • 4 to 12 months
  • The entire internship must be scheduled within the Government of Canada’s fiscal year (April 1 to March 31)
How much funding is available?
  • YCW generally contributes approximately 50% of total eligible employment costs (wages, benefits and other eligible expenditures), and may, if justified, contribute up to 75% of eligible employment costs.
  • $10,000 per job maximum
  • YCW generally contributes  50 percent of employment costs (wages, benefits, and other eligible expenditures) and may, as warranted, contribute up to 75 percent of employment costs.
  • $15,000 per job maximum
Can international projects be offered? No. All work locations must be at heritage organizations in Canada. No. All work locations must be at heritage organizations in Canada.
What types of positions can be funded The National Trust for Canada supports any job relating to built-heritage, such as:

  • Built Heritage Planning;
  • Heritage Restoration;
  • Historic Interpretation;
  • Heritage tourism
  • Doors Open Projects
  • Main Street Canada; and
  • Historic Site Administration and Marketing.

Please note that the National Trust’s YCW program does not fund general maintenance, custodial, or grounds keeping positions.

How to apply? Submit an online application at before the deadline.

The National Trust strongly suggests that all employer applicants prepare and save the content of their application in a Word or text file prior to accessing the online application.

Next application deadline YCWHO (Summer Jobs) Application Deadline: January 2025

YCWBCH (Internships) Application Deadline: January 2025

How are employer applications reviewed and selected? All positions are evaluated by a peer review committee of built heritage professionals. Selection is based on the program criteria established by the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Selection criteria for:

When are decisions released? The peer review and evaluation process takes a minimum of 2 months to complete.

All employer applicants will receive a response.

What are the YCW program’s service standards? Acknowledgment
We will acknowledge receipt of a funding application within 10 calendar days.Decision
Our goal is to issue an official notification of the funding decision within 10 weeks of the application deadline.YCW employer contracts
We will issue a contract to be signed by the YCW employer within 15 calendar days of the approval of all candidates and receipt of all required information.Payment
Payments will be issued within 21 calendar days of the fulfillment of the requirements outlined in the contract signed with the YCW employer.
If I am selected, what paperwork will I have to fill? Approved employers will be required to sign a contract and complete mandatory reports at the beginning and end of the work term.

Contract Terms and Conditions are shared with successful applicants.

How are youth participants selected? Approved employers are responsible for conducting their own recruitment.

Employers must recruit for approved positions through a fair and balanced selection process (i.e. open competitions and unbiased adjudication of eligible candidates), and respond to youth applicants in a timely manner.

Employers must confirm that their candidates are registered on the YCW interactive website. This candidate inventory also serves as an online recruitment resource for employers to staff their YCW positions.

Please review the YCW participant eligibility criteria for the summer job program here, and for the internship program here.

Other resources Please consult the Employer Guide for more information about this and other YCW programs.

Other organizations offering the YCW program in the heritage sector include:

Was your YCW project a success? The National Trust for Canada welcomes your success stories! Please email us about your experience.

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