Historic Places Days


Historic Places Days

Historic Places Days is a great opportunity for sites of all types and sizes to share their story, and for Canadians to get out and enjoy. In 2023, hundreds of thousands of people across Canada heard about the event and thousands experienced history on this day across over 800 historic places, including sites at or near all 9 cultural UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Canada, there’s even more to discover!

Save the date

Historic Places Days 2024

 July 10 – 17, 2024

To find out more visit www.historicplacesdays.ca.

This project is made possible in part with support from Parks Canada.

Celebrate Canadian heritage during Heritage Week February 19-25, 2024 

Why celebrate Heritage Day? Because Canada’s collective story is told through our special places, whether they are historic lighthouses or schools, places of faith, industrial complexes, or cultural landscapes. Our shared heritage in all its forms has the power to create a sense of belonging. Gathering places like town squares, and pow wow grounds, and cultural objects such as artifacts, regalia, and family memorabilia are tangible touchstones with the past that can root us in place and nourish the spirit. Intangible heritage – languages, traditional rituals, music, dance, storytelling, and more – is at the heart of family and community.

In celebration of our past and our future, we encourage all Canadians – young and old, deeply rooted or new to Canada – to celebrate our museums, historic sites, cultural landscapes and cultural centers, and connect with traditional knowledge keepers, educators, parents and grandparents to enjoy heritage on Heritage Day and beyond.

History of Heritage Day

In 1973, as a brand-new charity and not-for-profit entity, the National Trust named Heritage Day – the third Monday in February – as a national focal point for celebrating Canada’s diverse heritage. Over the years, the Trust has worked with provincial heritage organizations and not-for-profits to set themes that we hoped would inspire local celebrations.

The National Trust for Canada continues to promote the celebration of Heritage Day nation-wide, and encourages governments and organizations to set themes that resonate for their part of the country. We invite you to contact your provincial/territorial heritage organization or provincial/territorial government department responsible for heritage to learn about regional plans for Heritage Day. Keep us posted on what you are up to, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #HeritageDayCanada so that we can amplify your activities on Social Media.

Every year, Heritage Day is the third Monday in February!

Mark your calendars:

Heritage Day Heritage Week
2022 February 21 February 21-27
2023 February 20 February 20-26
2024 February 19 February 19-25


Save the date

Historic Places Days 2023

July 8 – 23, 2023

To find out more visit


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