Our National Board of Governors

Call for Nominations – ends on March 28!
Do you have a passion for the work of the National Trust, a desire to help build its financial resources and strategic directions, and a track record of governance experience? The National Trust for Canada is accepting expressions of interest from candidates to serve on its Board of Governors for the 2024-2027 term. Learn more here!

Ingrid Cazakoff, Chair

Ingrid Cazakoff Ingrid Cazakoff has served as the CEO for Heritage Saskatchewan since 2010, a non-profit organization established to promote heritage throughout the province. Ingrid has been an active participant in the cultural community of Saskatchewan for over three decades. Throughout this time she has demonstrated her commitment to community development through collaborative partnerships which continues to inform her leadership style at Heritage Saskatchewan. Developing relationships with individuals and organizations that share her passion for community; promoting the multiple connections between Living Heritage and quality of life issues, Ingrid leads a team of dedicated individuals who are pursuing new approaches; thinking about heritage as a dynamic aspect of daily life, linking the past to the present and creating a valuable legacy for future generations.

Jane Severs, Vice-Chair

Jane is the Executive Director of the Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (HSANL) – a registered charity and social enterprise that supports the preservation and presentation of NL’s history and heritage. Through the operation of its nine Heritage Shops, the HSANL generates significant revenue, with profits supporting the enhancement of heritage infrastructure and programming at Parks Canada sites in the province, as well as HSA initiatives including its annual Heritage Fairs, heritage awards program, and scholarships.

Prior to joining HSANL, Jane provided visitor experience planning, evaluation and project management services to government and community clients throughout NL and beyond. She has presented internationally on the role of heritage in rural development and as an agent for social change, and developed and instructed courses in impact measurement and entrepreneurial thinking for the Museum Association of NL. Jane attended the Masters of Museum Studies program at the University of Toronto, is a graduate of the American Association for State and Local History’s History Leadership Institute, and in 2016, was the first Canadian alumni of Oxford University’s Cultural Leaders Program.

Grant Jameson, Vice-Chair

Grant is an independent corporate director, board advisor and retired lawyer. Grant practiced corporate and commercial law in Ottawa until his retirement as a Senior Partner from the global law firm Norton Rose Fulbright where he was Ottawa Managing Partner and a member of the firm’s Management Committee. Following his retirement, Grant was appointed Fairness Commissioner of Ontario for a two-year term from 2017 to 2019. Grant provides corporate governance consulting services through his consultancy, Beattie House Associates.

Grant has over 40 years of integrated professional leadership experience in business, community engagement, fundraising and education through the practice of law, law firm management, business, and his dedication to worthy causes that benefit the arts, human rights, health care and corporate governance. He has received a number of awards for his leadership and contribution. For many years prior to his retirement from the practice of law, Grant was legal counsel to the National Trust for Canada (formerly the Heritage Canada Foundation) providing legal advice to Executive Directors and boards of governors of the organization.

Grant and his partner Joe Friday live in Ottawa in a designated heritage property built in 1862. Grant enjoys travel, collecting contemporary art and driving and working on his vintage Citroën 2CV.

Nancy Dunton

Nancy Dunton has worked on architectural projects and organized public programs about architecture since 1981. Currently, she is a consultant specializing in the presentation of projects on architecture – conferences, architectural walking tours and exhibitions. With Helen Malkin, Nancy Dunton is the co-author of A Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture in Montreal, published in 2016. Since 2008, she has taught the course Reading the City: Montreal and its neighbourhoods at the McGill School of Architecture and, since 2018 with Heritage Montreal, has presented the Ateliers patrimoine to City of Montreal boroughs and in 2022, Patrimoine : conservation et intervention to members of the Ordre des architectes du Québec. Her volunteer activities include serving on the Board of Directors of Heritage Montreal.



John Firth

John is an award-winning author/storyteller who writes about the history, the people, and the places of the North. He has been a journalist, a cleaner of sewers, theatre owner, mining camp expeditor, prospector, mill operator, heavy equipment operator/truck driver, and a financial planner. Now mostly retired, he has written six books on the north and collaborated or contributed to five others. He was raised in Dawson City and Whitehorse, Yukon. He resides in Whitehorse where he is an executive member of the Yukon Historical Resources Board. His website is johnfirth.ca.

  Dr. Shabnam Inanloo Dailoo

Shabnam is an Associate Professor/Director of the Heritage Resources Management Program and Chair for Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies at Athabasca University. She holds a PhD in Environmental Design from the University of Calgary. She completed her post-doctoral research with the Canada Research Chair on Built Heritage at the Université de Montréal. She previously worked as Heritage and Community Engagement Advisor in the private sector and promoted the application of cultural landscape approach in heritage management. She has served on various provincial, national, and international boards and committees including Alberta Historical Resources Foundation, ICOM Canada, Ministerial Advisory Committee for the update of Canada’s Tentative List for World Heritage Sites, and the Commonwealth Association of Museums. She also serves on the National Trust for Canada’s Diversity Task Force and co-chairs the Trust’s National Roundtable on Heritage Education. She is a director of the ICOMOS Canada Board and a member of ICOMOS International Training Committee (CIF). She is Coordinating an ICCROM International training program to be held in Alberta in 2022. She represents Athabasca University on the OurWorldHeritage Initiative’s Sustainability Theme and leads the University’s involvement in Climate Heritage Network.

  Barbara Myers

Barbara Myers is an urban planner with SvN in Toronto and Winnipeg. She has 35 years of planning experience and is a graduate of Queen’s University and the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Architecture, Master of City Planning. Her work includes feasibility studies, functional programs and operational plans for clients in the cultural and non-profit sectors. Barbara leads the firm’s Places of Worship work practice. She has provided strategic advice to the United Church of Canada, Catholic Church of Manitoba, Anglican Church of Toronto and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada.

Barbara is currently the Chair of the Editorial Board of Plan Canada, Canadian Institute of Planners and a Board member of the Council for Canadian Urbanism as well as the Landscape Architecture Accreditation Council, Canadian Society of Landscape Architects. She has served on the Canada Green Building Council, the Content Advisory Committee for Canadian Museum for Human Rights and the Environment Committee for the 1999 Pan Am Games.

Harsh Padhya

Harsh has been working in the field of Planning for over 9 years, with experience in policy research, cultural heritage planning, environment assessments, and public engagement. He has knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for conserving and celebrating our cultural and natural heritage resources as part of creating complete communities. While working with the City of Brampton, he has had the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with various departments and agencies.  He also has experience working with international agencies like the World Bank, UNESCO and UNDP. Currently, he is working on commencing Brampton’s first Archaeological Management Plan. His international experience in India includes positions as a Senior Project Manager and a Project Officer in the fields of Planning and Public Policy giving him valuable experience in creating, managing and maintaining technical information, interpreting data, and stakeholder consultation. Harsh is also an existing CAHP intern member with Canadian Association of Heritage Planners network.

Margo Sheppard

Margo has a degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Waterloo, ON and spent 35 years as an environmental planner and activist in government and civil society, frequently mixing the two. As Cabinet Liaison for the Ministry of Environment in Ontario, Margo provided advice on aboriginal affairs, environmental land use, policy development, Niagara Escarpment and legal instruments for conserving ecosystems and heritage. For fourteen years she was Executive Director of the Nature Trust of New Brunswick, a province-wide charitable land trust. Margo was a founding member of the Canadian Land Trust Alliance, a cross-country network of land conservation practitioners, and a founding director of two watershed associations. Margo currently serves as a Councillor for the City of Fredericton, NB.

She has a lifelong love of heritage places and buildings, and in her spare time was twice a Director of the Fredericton Heritage Trust and volunteer member of the City’s Preservation Review Board (ongoing).  Margo has been active in efforts to save important historic buildings in Fredericton for to her these represent an architecture of quality, beauty, human-scale and long-term cultural value. She brings to the National Trust a keen desire to delve into and demonstrate the climate (carbon) benefits of heritage preservation, in addition to seeking enhanced tools and tax breaks for individuals wishing to safeguard historic sites. Margo lives with her husband Larry on the banks of the Wolastoq (St. John) River in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Pierre Vaillancourt, Treasurer

“I work as a geologist, financial analyst and strategist for resource companies. As part of my work, I do technical and scientific evaluation of resource projects (things like geology, hydrology and metallogeny), I also do economic analysis of these projects, and conduct financial assessments of companies in the context of their viability in the capital markets. This means that I do research on companies and commodities, and help to structure financial transactions. I also undertake corporate and market strategy to help management teams take the optimal course of action. In my work, I have had the opportunity to travel all over Canada and the world. This travel has given me a unique perspective on what makes places great, and very often, it comes down to their history and the buildings that make heritage come to life. Although my background is probably quite different from that of most board members, I have always had a passion for architectural heritage and its significance to the community and country. I have volunteered at the Toronto Regional Architectural Conservancy (TRAC) and continue to participate in community activities on matters of local heritage and green spaces. As an avid cyclist, I am also an advocate for Cycle Toronto. I have been on the Finance and Investment Committee for the National Trust for Canada for several years, and I believe I have developed a good understanding of financial matters relating to the organization.”

Eldon Yellowhorn

Dr. Yellowhorn is member of the Piikani Nation and has family and cultural ties to the Peigan Indian Reserve. His Piikani name, Otahkotskina, which translates as Yellow Horn, has been in the family for generations. His early career in archaeology began in southern Alberta, where he studied the ancient cultures of the plains. He is especially interested in using the mythology and folklore of his Piikani ancestors to interpret the archaeological record of the northern plains.

Dr. Yellowhorn’s research work in archaeology began with his studies about the ancient history of his Piikani ancestors. He studied plains archaeology in academic and public settings before participating in the heritage consulting industry. He augmented his experience in contract archaeology, conducting impact assessments in advance of terrain-altering activities, with historical archaeology research. Since then, he has contributed his skills as an archaeologist to the Missing Children Project initiated by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to search for children who died at residential schools.

As a native speaker of the Blackfoot language, Dr. Yellowhorn is working to preserve it and ensure its future. He has employed the written version to translate texts of English to Blackfoot and has narrated animated videos that use Blackfoot to teach mathematics. He is now exploring the potential of artificial intelligence, such as chatbots and text-to-speech modalities, to create language-learning applications that introduce Blackfoot to the next generation of speakers.


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