The Janion Building
Victoria, British Columbia
2019 Governors' Award

Presented to Jon Stovell, President and CEO, Reliance Properties Ltd. for his vision to bring the long-derelict Janion building on Victoria’s inner harbour waterfront back to life.
Built in 1891 as a railroad hotel with 48 rooms, the Janion Building had been derelict for decades. Located in Victoria’s Old Town, it was purchased in 2012 by Reliance Properties, a major landowner in Vancouver’s historic Gastown neighbourhood that has contributed to Vancouver’s architectural heritage for more than fifty years.
Jon Stovell and Reliance Properties saw the Janion building’s potential to become a “new” Victoria landmark, and stepped in to save and restore the building. Working with Merrick Architecture, a firm with experience in undertaking heritage projects, and Donald Luxton & Associates, which provided specialist heritage conservation advice, Reliance Properties carried out a full rehabilitation and seismic upgrade and built a new seven story addition to create a vibrant retail and residential complex that includes 122 micro-lofts.