Planning your legacy gift

“I can’t think of a better legacy than protecting Canada’s heritage for future Canadians.”
—Enid Page, Heritage Advocate & Legacy Donor

Did you know that through legacy giving you can have a lasting impact on the protection of places that matter for future generations of Canadians?

Through the National Trust for Canada’s legacy giving program, you can leave a gift for general purposes that will help us fulfill our mission as Canada’s national charity leading action to save, renew and celebrate historic places. You can also direct your gift to support work that you care about. With a legacy gift to the Trust, you can empower volunteers and small community organizations with the resources and support they need to save and renew the places that matter to them. You can help equip local advocates with legal and planning expertise in the battle to save places at risk. Or, you can build the future for heritage by directing your legacy gift to create scholarships, internships or conference bursaries for young heritage leaders or underrepresented communities.

Read the story of Enid Page, legacy donor and heritage advocate, and her legacy of heritage.

There are many ways to create a legacy with the National Trust for Canada’s legacy giving program. You can:

  • Leave a bequest to the National Trust for Canada in your will.
  • Give a gift of securities.
  • Give the gift of a life insurance policy by naming the National Trust for Canada as a beneficiary.
  • Give through your RRSP or RRIF by naming the National Trust for Canada as a beneficiary.

Do you have another gift strategy in mind? The National Trust accepts many types of legacy gifts.

While you should seek the advice of a financial or estate advisor to discuss which legacy strategies will maximize your tax benefit and achieve your financial goals, the Staff at the National Trust are happy to work with you to create a legacy that reflects your passion for heritage. Please note that if you wish to direct your gift to a specific program, we encourage you to contact us first to ensure that your gift can be used as intended.

Have you already included a gift to the National Trust in your will? If so, we would love to hear from you! Informing us of your legacy gift allows us to thank you, and with your permission, inspire others with your story. If you would like to notify us of your gift, please fill in this confidential Legacy Form.

Are you interested in learning more? Call Patricia Kell, Executive Director, toll-free at 1-866-964-1066 ext. 222 or email

Talk to your financial or estate advisor for the details about legacy giving strategies.

Talk to us about the possibilities for creating your legacy of heritage.

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