B2 Lofts
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
2020 Ecclesiastical Insurance Cornerstone Award (Transformative Projects)

Inspired by the region’s centuries-old tradition of shipbuilding, the B2 Lofts is a mixed-use, urban infill development in the heart of Lunenburg – UNESCO World Heritage Site and National Historic District.
The project consisted of the renovation of an existing historic building and an adjacent new building. It includes two street-level commercial spaces, with six loft style apartments above.
The design of this through-block project was informed by a deep of understanding of the Atlantic region’s vernacular traditions and required a careful integration within the context of the existing historic buildings.
The project contributes to the social and economic sustainability of downtown Lunenberg by continuing the tradition of mixed-use – allowing a new generation of residents to live in town above a commercial space.
“A fantastic transformation, well integrated within the context of the Lunenburg World Heritage Site.”
-Jury Comments
Key Players: Marilyn and Brian MacKay-Lyons (Client/Owners); MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects (Brian MacKay-Lyons, Design; and Will Perkins, Field Services); Campbell Comeau Engineering Limited; Gary Kilgour Construction; Felloe Construction; Marilyn MacKay-Lyons. Custom windows supplied by Austin Parsons, Parsons Lumber Company.