
La collecte de fonds pour votre lieu patrimonial

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of maintaining a strong donor base and that could be the key to financial…


Parcourir le nouvel univers des événements et des programmes en ligne

Are you exploring moving events or programming online? Is this the right fit for your historic site? As physical distancing…


Recruter et engager des bénévoles pour votre lieu patrimonial

In the heritage sector we rely on volunteers to be our advocates, story tellers, champions and fundraisers. In this webinar…


Prix, bénéfices et buts

Do you find it difficult to know how much to charge for admission to your historic site, for guided tours,…


Vous préparez-vous à amasser des fonds pour un projet d’immobilisation patrimoniale?

Drawing on experiences of successful capital campaigns for heritage projects across the country, this webinar will guide you through developing…


Comment utiliser les médias sociaux pour attirer des partisans pour votre lieu historique

Social Media Communications have become very important since the start of the pandemic, and many organizations have had to amplify…


Possibilités de financement de Patrimoine canadien

Join Canadian Heritage colleagues for this opportunity to learn about two Canadian Heritage programs that support the heritage sector. This…


Questions d’assurance dans les lieux historiques

The current COVID-19 crisis is presenting multiple challenges to historic sites that cannot currently provide their usual in-person activities and…


Approches pratiques de la réhabilitation de maisons historiques

Rehabilitating historic buildings doesn’t have to be expensive and complicated. Focusing on historic homes, this webinar will present practical approaches…


Changement climatique dans les lieux du patrimoine

This webinar will explore the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events affecting Canadian heritage places and will gain…


Nous identifions trois activités à faible coût pour attirer de nouveaux visiteurs à votre site historique

Do you rely on selling tickets, or memberships, or even ice-cream to cover the costs of running your historic place…


Plateformes numériques pour les lieux patrimoniaux

With much of Canada still in lockdown, now’s the time to amplify your heritage place’s online profile through digital access…


Nommage autochtone à Edmonton et repenser les reconnaissances territoriales

The delivery of territorial acknowledgements and the reclamation of Indigenous places names have been central elements in Reconciliation efforts in…


Techniques pour sortir de l’encombrement et créer une marque mémorable

What makes a great brand so great? And why do great ones sometimes fail? Learn tips and techniques for building…


Six étapes pour raconter votre histoire en matière de patrimoine

Heritage places are filled with great stories to tell. In this webinar learn how to share and get your message…