This session is for you if you are interested in keeping heritage places supported, financially sustainable and ready for the…
Collecte de fonds et génération de revenus
New Financial Solutions and Business Models for Heritage Development
Risk, return on investment, construction costs, tax treatment, ease of property development… Property owners plotting the future for heritage places…
Rethinking Revenue Development: Innovative Ways to Save, Sustain and Grow Your Historic Site
This session features three unique approaches to sustaining and growing revenue to evolve and save historic places. The speakers will…
Comment les organismes patrimoniaux peuvent gagner un avantage concurrentiel en commandites
There is a big difference between corporate sponsor solicitation and donor solicitation. And, when you are new to fundraising, it…
La collecte de fonds pour votre lieu patrimonial
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of maintaining a strong donor base and that could be the key to financial…
Vous préparez-vous à amasser des fonds pour un projet d’immobilisation patrimoniale?
Drawing on experiences of successful capital campaigns for heritage projects across the country, this webinar will guide you through developing…
Possibilités de financement de Patrimoine canadien
Join Canadian Heritage colleagues for this opportunity to learn about two Canadian Heritage programs that support the heritage sector. This…